What is Breast Reconstruction?
Breast reconstruction (reconstructive plastic surgery) is a surgical procedure to restore the shape and appearance of the breast. This is most commonly performed following a mastectomy or lumpectomy to remove a breast abnormality. From a surgical standpoint, breast reconstruction attempts to return the breast to its preoperative appearance. From an emotional standpoint, breast reconstruction is so much more. Many women feel breast reconstruction makes them feel complete and more like themselves. Breast reconstruction should always be offered to any woman who has surgery on her breast. Your decision to undergo breast reconstruction will not alter you chances of having a cure or recurrence of breast cancer.
What are the Benefits of Breast Reconstruction?
Many women feel breast reconstruction makes them feel “whole” again and “like a woman”. Although reconstruction doesn’t alter the underlying medical condition that led to a mastectomy or lumpectomy, studies have shown that women who have reconstruction have better-coping abilities and improved self-image compared to women who don’t undergo reconstruction.
Nipple Reconstruction
Nipple reconstruction can often be thought of as the final step in a successful breast reconstruction. When wearing clothes, it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between a reconstructed breast and a breast that’s never been operated on. However, if the nipple was unable to be saved during the mastectomy, many women feel like their reconstructive journey isn’t complete until the appearance of the nipple is restored.
Dr. DePerro has many techniques for reconstructing the nipple. He’s able to use local tissue to create a new nipple that projects from the center of the breast. Depending on your prior surgeries, he can usually hide the incision in a previous scar. After the new nipple heals, patients are given the option of having tattooing done to recreate the color and appearance of a normal nipple and areola. This usually leads to a nipple and areola that’s hard to differentiate from a normal one. To learn more about this, please schedule a consultation with Dr. DePerro to see how personalized care leads to personalized results.
Who is a Candidate for Breast Reconstruction?
Women who have undergone any surgical procedure on their breast may be a candidate for breast reconstruction. Candidates should be healthy physically and mentally and understand the risks and have realistic expectations regarding their surgery.
How is Breast Reconstruction Performed?
There are many different methods to reconstruct a breast after a trauma or cancer operation. They can most easily be broken down into autologous tissue (your tissue) reconstruction vs. implant reconstruction. Autologous tissue reconstruction means your plastic surgeon takes tissue from somewhere else on your body to reconstruct your breast. This is most commonly done with tissue from the abdomen or back. Implant reconstruction means that your plastic surgeon uses a saline or silicone implant to recreate the appearance of the breast. Each method has its pros and cons, and not everyone is a candidate for each procedure. Dr. DePerro will spend considerable time going over the different options that are available to you. This will be based on your diagnosis, body structure, past medical history, and your individual preferences. We look forward to seeing you in the office so that we can provide personalized care for personalized results.
How Much Does Breast Reconstruction Cost in Columbus, OH?
The cost of each woman’s breast reconstruction varies but fortunately, it is usually covered by insurance. Dr. DePerro and his highly trained staff will be able to go over this in detail during your consultation.
DePerro Plastic Surgery offers personalized care for personalized results. Residents in or near Columbus and other areas in the state who are ready to make a positive change should take the next step in their lives. Don’t hesitate to contact us and set up your breast reconstruction consultation with Dr. Michael DePerro today!